Tooth Extractions – Northampton, MA • East Longmeadow, MA

Removing Problematic Teeth to Keep Your Smile Safe

The decision to remove a tooth is never one to be made lightly. At EMA Dental, our dentists will always take whatever steps we can to ensure your natural smile remains intact. However, in some cases, we may discover that a tooth simply cannot be saved. If that happens, we can carry out the necessary tooth extraction while helping you stay comfortable during the procedure. Please give us a call if you think you may need to have a tooth removed soon.

Why Choose EMA Dental for Tooth Extractions?

  • Same-Day Appointments for Dental Emergencies
  • Multiple Options for Replacing Missing Teeth
  • Highly Skilled, Experienced Dental Experts

Reasons Why Tooth Extractions Are Necessary

Man sitting on couch rubbing jaw in pain

There are some specific circumstances where a tooth extraction might be the only choice to protect the overall health of your smile. For example:

  • There may be a severe infection in your tooth that could spread to the rest of the mouth if nothing is done.
  • The tooth in question has been severely damaged or weakened, and it is beyond the point of being repaired with a crown or another type of dental restoration.
  • There isn’t enough space in your mouth for a necessary orthodontic treatment due to the teeth being badly crowded.
  • You are planning to get full dentures but some of the teeth that need to be replaced are still in your mouth.

Of course, the question of whether your tooth needs to be removed isn’t one you should try to answer on your own. Our team will need to examine your mouth and learn more about your specific situation in order to determine whether an extraction is truly required.

The Process of Removing a Tooth

Close-up of forceps holding tooth after tooth extraction in East Longmeadow, MA

The key thing to remember about tooth extractions is that they can fall into two categories: simple and surgical. The kind of extraction you receive will depend on the current state of your tooth.

A simple extraction can be performed if the tooth has completely erupted through the gums. The process involves gently loosening the tooth until it can be taken out of its socket with forceps. A local anesthetic will be used to keep your mouth numb while the extraction is being carried out.

A surgical extraction is often necessary for teeth that are at least partially trapped under the gums. This procedure involves making a small incision in the gums in order to get at the tooth. A small amount of bone tissue may need to be removed as well.

Tooth Extraction Aftercare

Close-up of woman in dental practice smiling

Once your tooth has been removed, a blood clot will form to help the area heal. To make sure the blood clot isn’t dislodged (which can cause a painful dry socket), be sure to avoid drinking through a straw, spitting, or directly touching the extraction site.

When it comes to meals, you should plan on only eating soft and liquid foods. When chewing, be sure to keep the food away from the area where the extraction was performed.

There may be some discomfort while your mouth is recovering. Fortunately, you should be able to manage it with ibuprofen or another type of over-the-counter pain reliever.