EMA Dental Blog

Legit Reasons to Treat Yourself to a Smile Makeover

May 3, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — emadental @ 11:17 pm
Woman smiling and living her best life

We shouldn’t have to justify an aesthetic makeover. And yet, it can seem like we’re constantly defending our choices to our wallets, friends, family – and even ourselves. In these situations, it’s nice to know that the path to your dream look can also benefit your physical and mental health. If you’re considering a smile makeover, keep reading! There are some legitimate reasons to treat yourself to some cosmetic dentistry.


How Do You Find the Best Implant Dentist for You?

April 3, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — emadental @ 12:26 am
implant dentist holding an implant model

Dental implants provide an excellent solution for replacing missing teeth, resulting in a rejuvenated and attractive smile. However, it’s essential to choose a skilled dentist for the implant surgery to prevent early implant failures. But how can you determine if a dentist is right for you? To help you in your search, here are three key principles to consider when selecting an implant dentist in your area.


Dental Implants – A Brief History

March 7, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — emadental @ 4:16 pm
Historical dental office

Tooth loss isn’t a new thing. Throughout history, people have suffered from dental issues and accidents resulting in missing teeth. What has changed is how we replace those teeth. Dental implants are a preferred option today because they replace the root of the missing tooth instead of only the crown. However, dental implants are a lot older than you may think. Continue reading to learn about the beginning of dental implants and how they evolved to be what they are today.


Common Post-Op Questions About Dental Implants

February 23, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — emadental @ 3:58 am

Question marks floating above handYour placement surgery is your first step to completing your smile with dental implants. Your dentist will surgically place a titanium post into your jawbone to mimic a tooth root. Don’t worry if you have a few questions about the recovery process. Here are the answers to common post-op questions about dental implants.


Can I Drink Coffee with Veneers?

January 5, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — emadental @ 4:47 am
hands holding a cup of coffee

Have you been dealing with imperfections in your smile? Porcelain veneers could be the answer. These thin shells are an incredibly common procedure that can be used to cover teeth to hide chips, cracks, gaps, and discoloration, offering a confident smile. But, will you still be able to enjoy your morning coffee without worrying about staining your porcelain veneers? Continue reading to find out.


3 Holiday Drinks that Could Cause Problems for Your Smile

December 6, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — emadental @ 4:10 am
Picture of a glass of wine

While the holidays are famous for the food, it could easily be argued that what you drink is equally as important. There are all kinds of beverages that can warm you up in the cold, or that can make your holiday party a little more festive, and sometimes it can feel like the season isn’t complete until you have some of them.

However, it’s worth keeping in mind that many of these drinks aren’t really the best for your teeth. If you want to get through the holiday season with your smile intact, here are a few holiday refreshments you ought to exercise caution around.


4 Simple Ways to Prevent Cavities This Thanksgiving

November 22, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 5:57 pm
Table filled with Thanksgiving sides and turkey

The weeks between Halloween and New Year’s Eve are filled with cranberry sauce, mulled wine, pecan pie, and other delicious treats. So, it’s not hard to see why this time of year has earned the nickname “season of sugar.” Fortunately, you can help prevent cavities this Thanksgiving with a few simple swaps. Read on to learn what they are!


Are Dental Implants Covered by Insurance?

October 19, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — emadental @ 4:13 pm
A patient working on a dental insurance form

Like many, you might consider dental implants for your missing teeth. These prosthetics look natural, don’t slip or fall, and often succeed in the long run! Still, you may have a lingering question: Will dental insurance cover dental implants? By knowing the correct answer, you can ensure a truly cost-effective treatment. Well, your Northampton dentist is here to address your concerns. Read on to learn how to maximize your coverage for dental implants.


4 Common Dental Emergencies & Their Treatments

September 14, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — emadental @ 7:58 am
A woman seeing a dentist for a common dental emergency

True enough, dental emergencies aren’t all the same. There’s enough variety among them that they differ from patient to patient. Still, the truth is that some urgent oral issues happen more than others. These kinds also need specific treatments to be fully addressed. (Otherwise, the problems will still linger.) To better understand this matter, let your local Northampton dentist explain things. So, here’s a summary of four common dental emergencies and their respective treatments.


What Can I Expect from a Denture Reline?

August 11, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — emadental @ 9:11 pm

Dentures are a great way to restore a smile after extensive tooth loss. However, as great and reliable as they are, they cannot account for the changes that a patient’s mouth undergoes over time. Without regular adjustments, the denture will eventually cause oral health concerns like sores and infections due to fitting poorly. That’s why every year or two a denture will need a reline. Here are a few ways you can tell that your dentures might need a reline and what to expect during the process.

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