Want the Best In Tooth Replacement? See a Prosthodontist In East Longmeadow

March 5, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — emadental @ 4:50 pm

Sign announcing National Prosthodontics WeekSince National Prosthodontics Awareness Week is fast approaching, this month’s blog will explain why it’s so worthwhile to see a prosthodontist after tooth loss. Losing even just one tooth can have a big impact on your oral health, self-confidence, and overall quality of life, which means replacing missing teeth is one of the best long-term investments you can make. Especially since options like dental implants can potentially last a lifetime! But that also means that you want the best quality materials and techniques to be used, as well as the benefit of advanced training and experience. Keep reading to find out what sets a prosthodontist in East Longmeadow apart from general dentists and why they can provide the best care possible after tooth loss!

What Is a Board-Certified Prosthodontist?

A prosthodontist specializes in the replacement of missing teeth as well as various jaw conditions such as temporomandibular disorder (TMD). They’re experts in providing replacement teeth such as dental implants and dentures.

And, although general dentists can be qualified to do these procedures, they don’t have the same credentials as a board-certified prosthodontist.

To achieve this distinction, a prosthodontist must first complete dental school, followed by an additional 3 years of training in a prosthodontic graduate program. This allows them to easily handle even the most complicated cases with ease, and means better-quality care for you!

What Are the Consequences of Missing Teeth?

Although it’s worth it to save natural teeth when you can, sometimes losing a tooth can’t be avoided.

However, while you may be tempted to leave an empty space rather than replace the missing tooth, this can lead to several surprising consequences:

  • As teeth are lost, eating comfortably and speaking clearly become more difficult.
  • After a tooth is taken out, the jaw begins to “shrink” in that area. Over time, this causes changes the facial structure and can lead to an aged appearance.
  • Other teeth will shift, move, or tip forward to “fill” the empty space, which can not only cause bite alignment issues, but also make these remaining teeth more likely to get cavities and gum problems.

Which Treatment Option Is Right For You?

The best way to determine the right choice for your individual needs is to schedule a consultation with a prosthodontist in Northampton.

They’ll take multiple factors into account before making a recommendation, including your medical and dental history, age, finances, lifestyle choices (e.g., smoking), and oral hygiene habits.

Regardless of your situation, there’s a solution that will work for you. And, by seeing a prosthodontist, you can be sure it’s the best solution possible!

About the Author

Dr. Vincent Mariano is a board-certified prosthodontist in East Longmeadow and Northampton with 35 years of clinical experience. Recognized as a leader in his field, he’s also a clinical assistant professor at Tufts School of Dental Medicine where he teaches postgraduate students about the latest techniques in prosthodontics. If you have any questions or would like to schedule a complimentary consultation, he can be reached via his website.

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