Cosmetic Dentistry is About More Than Just Looks

September 20, 2014

Filed under: Uncategorized — @ 7:59 am

 Porcelain Veneers Northampton, MA Northampton, MA – Visiting an esthetic dentist to restore your smile can give you the confidence you need to smile proudly. But it also has an additional benefit – improving the form and function of your teeth.

“We always strive to provide our patients with the most beautiful smile possible,” says Dr. Lisa B. Emirzian, one of the Springfield, MA dentists at EMA Dental. “But we wouldn’t be doing our jobs properly if we didn’t also help our patients get healthier teeth and gums.”

Cosmetic dentistry services, such as tooth bonding, can help patients improve their dental health by helping their teeth work properly. When teeth don’t fit together properly due to issues such as overcrowding, it not only makes for an unsightly smile, but it’s also harder to properly clean the teeth. This can lead to tooth decay and gum disease that can worsen overtime.

“When we help a patient achieve a straighter smile, we’re giving them an opportunity to more easily brush and floss,” says Dr. Emirzian. “If you have a less than perfect smile, you may be putting off having work done because you think it’s purely cosmetic. But you may be doing damage to your teeth that could be corrected with a visit to EMA Dental.”

What types of procedures can provide a more beautiful, and more importantly, functional, smile?

Dental bonding is a very common esthetic dentistry procedure. It is used to correct chipped or cracked teeth, discolored teeth, change the shape of teeth or to close spaces between teeth. A tooth-colored resin will be applied to the tooth and hardened with a special light. The material will be bonded to the tooth to restore a patient’s smile.

Porcelain veneers are another popular esthetic dentistry option. Veneers are basically shells that are made of a high-quality ceramic, which are bonded to the top and front part of a tooth. They can easily correct the appearance of crooked, misshapen, misaligned, chipped or discolored teeth. Patients love them because they are an easy to achieve solution, and with regular maintenance visits and proper hygiene, the results will last for years.

“For many years, metal crowns were standard in the dentistry world,” says Dr. Emirzian. “But as technology has improved, so have the options available to better your smile. Ceramic crowns are now industry standard, giving patients a more natural looking grin.”

Crowns are used with a tooth cannot be repaired with a filling, and is a cap that fits over the tooth above the gumline. Crowns are used to correct damaged or deformed teeth, and allow for normal chewing that may have been prevented when the teeth were damaged. Crowns can also be used to replace missing teeth to provide better oral health and a natural and attractive smile.

For some adults, braces may be the best option to provide a properly functioning smile. But EMA Dental knows that busy adults don’t want to traditional wire and brackets. That’s why they proudly offer Invisalign as a comfortable and invisible way to straighten teeth. The clear, removable aligners elicit gentle force to guide the teeth to their proper locations, giving patients the beautiful and healthy smile they’ve always wanted.

For patients with more severe problems, a smile makeover may be the right choice. The dentists at EMA Dental know that no two smiles are alike, so using advanced technology and an artistic approach, they can provide each patient with the smile of their dreams.

If you have a less than perfect smile, but have been putting off visiting a cosmetic dentist, what are you waiting for? An esthetic dentist can not only give you the smile of your dreams, but can improve tooth function. If you suffer from frequent headaches, have issues when speaking or eating, a poorly functioning mouth could be the source of your problems. Ensuring your teeth fit together properly, missing spaces are filled in, and chipped or broken teeth are repaired can give you the confidence you need to smile bigger, as well as peace of mind that your oral health isn’t suffering. Correct your smile before permanent damage is done.

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