Bonding — It’s Not Just for Thanksgiving

May 15, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — emadental @ 5:28 am

dental bondingBonding. The word may bring to mind the family “bonding” of Thanksgiving, with Uncle Bert, after one too many Sam Adams, loudly comparing the merits of the Bruins vs. the Patriots.

At EMA, we prefer a more useful sort of bonding, the dental variety. Dr. Emirzian is an expert in esthetic dentistry, of which dental bonding is a part. Dental bonding can be a good solution for certain dental problems. Dental bonding uses resin, a plastic-like material, to cover or fill dental problems. Bonding is an alternative to more expensive porcelain veneers.

Dental bonding can be used to:

  • Fill tooth cracks and chips
  • Fill large cavities
  • Brighten heavily discolored teeth
  • Improve the symmetry of the teeth
  • Restore decayed teeth
  • Protect the tooth root when gums recede
  • Fill gaps between the teeth

The benefits of bonding?

  • Cost — Bonding can be an alternative to more expensive procedures such as veneers, crowns, or certain large precious metal fillings. Dr. Emirzian uses bonding to address many of the same problems as can be treated by the other procedures mentioned above, but at a much lower cost.
  • Ease — With bonding, there is no waiting for fabrication of veneers or a crown. Bonding is done in the office, usually in a single visit.
  • Painless — Since bonding involves placing the bonding material onto your teeth, there is no need for any anesthesia.

How do we bond a tooth or teeth?

Bonding is done in a single office visit. First, Dr. Emirzian uses a shade guide to select a composite resin color that closely matches the color of your natural teeth. Next, the teeth are cleaned and a conditioning liquid is applied. This helps the bonding material adhere to the tooth. Dr. Emirzian then applies the tooth-colored resin, and molds and smoothes it into the desired shape. Once satisfied with the shape and coverage, she then shines either a UV light or laser onto the resin to instantly harden it. Once hardened, Dr. Emirzian then trims and further shapes the resin as needed. The bonded areas are then polished and you’re good to go.

Dental bonding is a great way to improve your smile, all in just a single appointment. Call either our Longmeadow or Northampton offices to make your appointment with Dr. Emirzian.

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